
Are you ever too old to learn a new skill? The short answer – NO!

You would be aware of the saying ‘‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Which literally means asking older people to change their habits or acquire new skills is impossible.

It is a very broad statement that we overly use in reference to all people over a certain mythical age, but like most broad statements, it is certainly not applicable to all older people.

As we grow older there is a preference to carry out tasks and activities the way we have always done them. This familiarity is understandable as it is comfortable and does not require a lot of effort and will not strain the brain.

It is very easy to use the phrase “old dogs and new tricks” when it comes to learning a new activity or process. The reality is that for most of us over the age of 60, the simple answer is: “I cannot be bothered, it is all too hard”.

This is a mistake. The brain benefits by you tackling something new, a task that it is not familiar which requires effort and mental activity. This increased mental activity in later life is associated with lowering the risk of dementia.

My mum is a very good example, she is 86 years of age, does not have dementia but is quite vague, forgetful and can get a little depressed. Last Christmas we gave mum an adult colouring book and pencils.

She was not impressed and I think was a little insulted. However, after some coaxing she finally opened the book and started to use her imagination and colour in the complicated designs and pictures inside the book.

Over a short period of time, we noticed an improvement in her hand-eye coordination, she is no longer watching as much television, has started to once again listen to music and would appear to be a much happier person.

This is only my observations and not conclusive proof that colouring will improve the lives of those people over the age of 80, but I do believe that this small mental activity has made my mum a more contented person.

The new skills you decide to learn do not have to be complicated.

A good friend who has retired has decided to grow all his own veggies and herbs in his front yard in large raised garden beds. Over the last few months he has acquired the knowledge, to first build his garden beds, understand the soil requirements to grow the perfect zucchini and sweet potatoes, install the irrigation system and build the necessary scarecrow to keep the birds off his vegetables.

Dementia is a growing problem and if remaining mentally alert through activity delays or prevents this insidious condition, it is time to move away from the television, pick up a book, go for a walk or learn a new skill before it is too late.

Source: Mark Teale – Centrepoint Alliance